Cast: William Hopper, Joan Taylor, Frank Puglia
Running Time: 2 mins.
A spaceship returns to Earth after a mission to Venus but the crew have brought a creature back with them which proceeds to grow to enormous size. It only asserts itself when threatened, which naturally it is when humans try to stop it from destroying Rome.
Cast: Allison Hayes, William Hudson, Yvette Vickers, George Douglas
Running Time: 2 mins.
Allison Hayes achieved screen immortality as Nancy Archer, the wealthy, dipsomaniac wife of shameless philanderer Harry Archer (William Hudson). When she witnesses the crash landing of a alien spaceship -- whose occupant is a 30-foot giant, dressed in the manner of a medieval Frenchmen! -- Nancy goes to the local sheriff (George Douglas) with her story, only to be laughed off as a drunken crank. Even the local TV anchorman makes cruel fun of Nancy on his nightly newscast. Meanwhile, hubby Harry is making whoopee at a roadhouse with his latest tootsie, Honey Parker (Yvette Vickers). Not long afterward, Nancy, who's been exposed to the radiation of the spaceship, begins to feel queasy. Within a few days, she has grown to the height of 50 feet and is lumbering around the countryside clad only in a gigantic towel, smashing houses and trees in search of her faithless husband shouting the immortal lines: "HARRY! HARRY!"
Cast: Sonny Tufts, Victor Jory, Marie Windsor
Running Time: 2 mins.
Cat Women of the Moon tells the tale of a group of American space travellers who confront a hostile tribe of females on the border between the light and dark side of the moon. The expedition is led by Laird Grainger (Sonny Tufts), whose polyglot crew--including co-pilot Kip Reissner (Victor Jory) and navigator Helen Salinger (Marie Windsor)--land on the lunar surface, where they soon discover that there's an atmosphere and water and everything. After a few minutes of wandering, the travellers come upon a huge modernistic city, populated by leotard-clad "cat women". The ruler, Alpha (Carol Brewster), reveals that she has telepathically brought the earthlings to her city, using Salinger as her unsuspecting go-between. The cat women perform a kinky dance to the tune of "Stranger in Paradise," while the shifty copilot Reissner tries to steal the city's cache of gold. Alpha enslaves the visitors via mind control, leaving only cat-woman Lambda (Susan Morrow), who has fallen in love with crewman Douglas Smith (Bill Phipps), to save the day.
Cast: Walter Brooke, Eric Fleming
Running Time: 3 mins.
George Pal's now-quaint science fiction odyssey concerns a multi-national group on the first space flight to Mars. Pal pulls out all stops in the special effects department, creating "The Wheel" (a earth-orbiting circular space station), rocket launches into space, and a breathtaking near-collision with an asteroid. The film itself concerns the travails of the crew of the spaceship as they make their way to Mars.
Cast: Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Sam Jaffe
Running Time: 3 mins.
An alien (Klaatu) with his mighty robot (Gort) land their spacecraft on cold war Earth just after the end of World War II. They bring an important message for the planet which Klaatu wishes to tell to representatives of all nations. However, communication turns out to be difficult so, after learning something of the natives, Klaatu decides on an alternative approach.
Cast: John Archer, Warner Anderson, Tom Powers, Dick Wesson, Erin O'Brien-Moore
Running Time: 3 mins.
The classic by George Pal, the story of a private businessman who arranges for an expedition to the moon before the Russians get there first. The American astronauts fly there, establish a base, but are not certain they have enough fuel to return to Earth!
Cast: Yoko Tani, Oldrich Lukes
Running Time: 1 mins.
In 1970, debris from the 1908 Tunguska "meteor" are found which turn out to be recordings from a spaceship crashed there. The ship's origin is determined to be Venus, and an international team sets out with their spaceship "Kosmokrator" to visit the "Silent Planet", which is shrouded in clouds, and doesn't respond to contact attempts. While the "Kosmokrator" is in flight, the record is decoded and it turns out that the Venusians seemingly planned to invade Earth in 1908. Should the "Kosmokrator" still attempt to get in touch with the Aliens? And why are they silent now?
Cast: Tony Curtis, Patrick MacNee, Billy Barty, Deborah Foreman, M.G. Kelly
Running Time: 3 mins.
Young film student tries to sell his weird movie to a desparate film producer who is in need of a tax write-off. The producer screens the film "Lobster Man From Mars". What follows is one of the most bizarre and funny film within-a-film sendups: Mars suffers from an air leakage, and send the dreaded Lobster Man to Earth to steal its air. The plot is foiled by a mad scientist, a girl, and an army colonel. The producer buys the movie, but it makes a huge profit and the producer is sent to jail, with the film student taking his place as the studio hot shot.
Cast: Jackie Coogan, Lyle Talbot, Tandra Quinn
Running Time: 2 mins.
Mutated spiders, mad geniuses, childlike mental patients, gold-digging blondes, and vengeful little people are only part of the madness in this legendary bit of oddball science fiction. Also features a memorably irritating guitar-and-piano score and a brief appearance by Dolores Fuller, best known for her work with one-time beau Edward D. Wood Jr.
Cast: Bela Lugosi, Tor Johnson, Vampira, Tom Keene, Gregory Walcott, Paul Marco, John Breckinridge, Lyle Talbot, Criswell
Running Time: 2 mins.
Unspeakable Horrors From Outer Space Paralyze The Living And Resurrect The Dead as the screen's greatest shock star Bela Lugosi is back to haunt the Earth in a terrifying revelation of things to come... Aliens Resurrecting The Dead! Flying Saucers Over Hollywood! The worst movie of all time!
